
Bearing Witness Margaret Seiler Bearing Witness Margaret Seiler


“Go back. Go back.” This from the men carrying automatic rifles, above the families struggling to keep their footing on the US bank of the Río Grande. They had just swum across, using inflated pool toys to keep their children’s heads above the water.

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Bearing Witness Margaret Seiler Bearing Witness Margaret Seiler


Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) and a couple of his fellow senators came to Brownsville, Texas to say that the people seeking asylum are actually an invasion of Chinese members of Mexican drug cartels, rapists, child sexual abusers, and slavers, supported by President Biden, VP Kamala Harris, Elizabeth Warren, and AOC in her white pantsuit. Joshua Rubin, founder of Witness at the Border, stood among the reporters, holding a sign.

Photo: Allan Mestel

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Bearing Witness Margaret Seiler Bearing Witness Margaret Seiler


Bus after bus of migrants who had just been released from custody were dropped off by the US government today at the bus station in Brownsville, Texas, so they can continue their journeys, now legally in the US. People, many of whom had traveled for months and had camped outside our gates for an untold stretch of time and had been confined in our detention centers were now taking their first steps of freedom. I stood on the sidewalk holding a sign that said, “Open Every Door – Welcome All Immigrants.” The new arrivals couldn't read my sign. It didn't matter. “Bienvenidos!” I called to them. Welcome! “Gracias!” they said as they smiled back.

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Bearing Witness Margaret Seiler Bearing Witness Margaret Seiler


We are down in the Río Grande Valley for what is billed as a monumental shift in our country’s strategy for handling the people who migrate to our southern border. Title 42 goes away at 11:59 tomorrow night, and some new rules that weaponize the section of law known as Title 8 go into effect.

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Bearing Witness Margaret Seiler Bearing Witness Margaret Seiler


They put on a show for us today.

A couple of dozen members of the Texas National Guard assembled on a road near the border and marched a few yards, just so the news cameras could get pictures of them marching in their riot gear. But they weren't going anywhere and there was no riot.

Photo: Allan Mestel

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Bearing Witness Margaret Seiler Bearing Witness Margaret Seiler


The encampment in Matamoros is much bigger now than it ever was under Remain in Mexico. This despite a steady line of people splashing their way to the opposite bank, which they were doing as I watched, children’s float toys that don’t float all that well anymore strewn across the weeds choking a narrow spot. Rather than the half deflated brightly colored plastic, most whom I watched used a line to work their way along, strung from bank to bank, nylon and yellow.

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Bearing Witness Margaret Seiler Bearing Witness Margaret Seiler


3 years ago from January through mid-March, Witness at the Border was holding vigil in Brownsville standing in protest against MPP and ICE deportation flights - against the inhumane treatment of fellow humans. We witnessed men and women, feet and ankles shackled, being forced onto planes - some while holding children. We witnessed hundreds and hundreds of people forced to remain in Mexico in squalid and unsafe conditions.

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Bearing Witness Margaret Seiler Bearing Witness Margaret Seiler


I’ll join some people in south Texas this week, to witness what happens when a new policy to prevent desperate people from crossing to safety replaces an old policy to do the same. My plane will fly over Allen, Texas, where there was one of those regular massacres that happens because people are running around with guns that amount to personal weapons of mass destruction.

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Bearing Witness Margaret Seiler Bearing Witness Margaret Seiler


Well, that long anticipated shoe is about to drop. Title 42, which attached itself fraudulently to the COVID pandemic, was a tactic too seductive for the Biden administration to resist, but even the most convenient of crimes against humanity must come to an end, it seems. It had its disadvantages.

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Bearing Witness Margaret Seiler Bearing Witness Margaret Seiler


A few days ago we heard a report from Matamoros that there was a fire in the encampment along the banks of the river. It was in a section on the far end of the camp, a camp where some say as many as a couple of thousand migrants have set up tents and tarps to shelter themselves while waiting for their chance at the brutal lottery that has been set up by the U.S. immigration policies, policies that grow more arcane every day.

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Bearing Witness Margaret Seiler Bearing Witness Margaret Seiler


Thank you for your work, Joshua, and all the many folks who stood outside of Tornillo until it was shut down. I hope my poem does it some justice. 🙏🏽

“Unqualified Poem” for Joshua Rubin & Amiri Baraka

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Bearing Witness Margaret Seiler Bearing Witness Margaret Seiler


They tell us that the way to address the terrible ordeal of the trip across the Darién Gap, that brutal stretch of extortion and risk, is to keep people from using it to get north, to keep them from following the drinking gourd to a dream of freedom. Freedom from poverty, from crime, from homelessness.

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Bearing Witness Margaret Seiler Bearing Witness Margaret Seiler


We will start at the end. Maybe 40 burned bodies, dead. Maybe 30 more who may survive, their lungs forever scarred by the smoke. The numbers imprecise, vague. The list of names and origins incomplete.

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Bearing Witness Margaret Seiler Bearing Witness Margaret Seiler


We tend to engage the world at a point in the discussion where we have already conceded, indeed surrendered to, a number of assumptions. That inequality can only be mitigated. That there is not enough food to feed everyone, nor enough houses to shelter the unhoused. That all we can do is round the sharp edges of injustice.

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Bearing Witness Margaret Seiler Bearing Witness Margaret Seiler


A fire in a detention facility in Juárez, holding men. At last report, 39 dead, the rest injured, at the building with a capacity for 60, last night perhaps holding 68.

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Bearing Witness Margaret Seiler Bearing Witness Margaret Seiler


It takes a lot of effort to maintain the extreme degree of inequality in the human world. It requires lots of weapons, deep ranks of bureaucratic pettifoggery, and media-driven sleight of hand.

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Bearing Witness Margaret Seiler Bearing Witness Margaret Seiler


Tom Cartwright, for the leadership team at Witness at the Border, submitted this organizational comment in opposition to the proposed Asylum Ban via

Use this template to write your own—make sure to add unique comments—at Only 10 more days! The deadline is March 27.

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Bearing Witness Margaret Seiler Bearing Witness Margaret Seiler


𝗘𝗹 𝗦𝘂𝗲ñ𝗼 𝗔𝗺𝗲𝗿𝗶𝗰𝗮𝗻𝗼 / 𝗧𝗵𝗲 𝗔𝗺𝗲𝗿𝗶𝗰𝗮𝗻 𝗗𝗿𝗲𝗮𝗺

Tom Kiefer, originally from California moved to Ajo to photograph landscapes. He took a job as a janitor with Customs and Border Patrol.

When emptying the trash, he realized that good food was being disposed of. With permission, he collected the food and gave it to local food pantries.

He then started collecting the personal items of asylum seekers. Passports, birth certificates, private letters, rosaries, bibles, even a CD collection that one played while crossing the desert and so much more.

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Bearing Witness Margaret Seiler Bearing Witness Margaret Seiler


Word trickles out to us that the Homeland security folks have a table onto which they are loading tools and schemes to deal with the migration of people in our hemisphere to the frontiers of United States, notably the southern border. They are lining up possible approaches to substitute for the scam called Title 42, which claimed the right to expel migrants, no questions asked, based on the myth that they would carry COVID to us, to one of the most infected nations on the planet.

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Bearing Witness Margaret Seiler Bearing Witness Margaret Seiler


Have you been to Matamoros?

It is over an international bridge from Brownsville, Texas. As far as I can tell, it is the southernmost spot on the land border between our two countries. It is a place that migrants are drawn to on their journeys, whether from parts of Mexico itself or from the many places people are leaving to find a way for them and their families to survive. Migrants find themselves stranded there, following the changing rules about how to get into the United States. And the rules change often, lately making it harder and harder to cross that fateful river.

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