Workshop For Justice
Registration is now closed.
Theme: Witnessing Within a Global Framework
Where: Sonoran Desert Inn & Conference Center Ajo, Arizona
What: Panel discussions, breakout sessions, film screenings and readings, opportunities to volunteer and take action
Keynote Speaker: Scott Warren (geographer, educator, volunteer with No More Deaths)

Webinar: Workshop for Justice
Join us to find out more about the Workshop for Justice: Taller Por La Justicia, which will take place in Ajo, Arizona, January 12 - 15, 2024. The theme of the Workshop is Witnessing Within a Global Framework.

Unsettling: A Discussion with the Author
On World Refugee Day, Camilo Perez Bustillo will have a discussion with Gilberto Rosas about his new book, “Unsettling: The El Paso Massacre, Resurgent White Nationalism, and the US-Mexico Border," and with Diana Martinez, who wrote the book's Interlude: "White Supremacy in El Paso before August 3, 2019."
Register here: https://mobilize.us/s/UlSSOy.

Biden's Proposed Asylum Ban: A Disaster for Children & Families
How will the Biden administration's proposed Asylum Ban affect migrant children and families?
Panelists including Alex Miller, Director of the Immigration Justice Campaign at the American Immigration Council, and Casey Revkin, Executive Director and co-founder of migrant child advocacy nonprofit, Each Step Home, will join Witness at the Border team members to discuss.
RSVP: https://bit.ly/NoAsylumBan-families

Journey for Justice: Reporting Back
Join us to hear from travelers on #Journey4Justice2022. What did we witness? What did we see--and what didn't we see--on this 2,200 mile journey from Brownsville TX to San Ysidro CA in December 2022. Image: Friendship Park, Tijuana MX

Journey for Justice
Witness at the Border is organizing a “Journey for Justice” – a 2200-mile border pilgrimage from Brownsville to San Ysidro – and we invite you to join us!
We plan to set off on our Journey on December 2, 2022, in Brownsville, Texas, and end in San Diego, California, on December 18, 2022.
RSVP: https://bit.ly/JourneyJForm.

Journey for Justice Webinar
Join us on Thurs. September 8, 4 pm ET for a webinar to introduce our "Journey for Justice, a Witness at the Border pilgrimage" (12/2-12/17, plans in formation). Register here: https://mobilize.us/s/eXwGgn!

People in Motion
When life becomes untenable, people move. And when they do, they are sometimes welcomed, sometimes shunned. The panelists will document some of their recent experiences at global borders, and explore the contrasts, in a world that does not hold still.
Photo: Allan Mestel. RSVP: https://bit.ly/WPeople

From the War in Ukraine to the US-Mexico Border: Who Gets to Move?
Guests Professor Reece Jones, award-winning author of "Violent Borders" and "White Borders," and activist-scholar Nandita Sharma, author of "Home Rule: National Sovereignty and the Separation of Natives and Migrants," join Sarah Towle and Camilo Perez-Bustillo to discuss: “From the War in Ukraine to the US-Mexico Border: Who gets to move?”
Photo by Allan Mestel

Witness: Looking Back, Looking Forward
On the 2-year anniversary of our Vigil in Brownsville, join members of the Leadership Team at Witness at the Border for "Witness: Looking Back, Looking Forward." Sign up now.

MPP "Lite" -- Can Inhumane be Less Inhumane?
REGISTER HERE: https://bit.ly/MPPLite
Join us to unpack the Migrant Protection Protocols (MPP, or Remain in Mexico), its impact on human lives, and the convoluted litigation surrounding the push-me-pull-you place we currently find ourselves stuck in as a nation responsible for trapping people between the rock that is endemic violence and crippling poverty at home, and the hard place that is the unwelcoming US border.
Guests Charlene D'Cruz of Lawyers For Good Government's Proyecto Corazon, Aaron Reichlin-Melnick of the American Immigration Council, and Yael Schacher of Refugees International will help to educate us as well as to ignite the outrage of a US public for whom the reinstatement of a shadowy Trump-era border policy may never have been top of mind.
Image by Alessandra Mondolfi

ICE & CBP’s Twin Cultures of Impunity: Is Reform Possible?
ICE's & CBP’s Twin Cultures of Impunity: Is Reform Possible?
RSVP here: https://bit.ly/ICEImpunityWebinar

Free the Children: Vigil of Light
Join Witness at the Border, the Coalition to End Child Detention-El Paso, and other local supporters, as we shine a light on injustice at Fort Bliss and in the US-Mexico border region. Against the backdrop of the gates to Fort Bliss, where thousands of migrant children are detained, we will hold a peaceful vigil to protest the detention and inhumane treatment of children whose rights, under the Flores Agreement, are being violated.
All CDC Covid-19 protocols will be followed. Battery-operated candles will be provided.
#FreeTheChildren #WelcomeWithDignity

No Bliss In Detention: End All Detention Now
On July 17, Texas-based organizations and national partners will hold a rally in El Paso to demand the shut down of the Ft. Bliss migrant detention center and an end to child detention everywhere.

Build Bridges, Not Walls: A Journey to a World Without Borders
Author Todd Miller will join us for a discussion of his book, "Build Bridges, Not Walls: A Journey to a World Without Borders." Is it possible to create a borderless world? How might it be better equipped to solve the global emergencies threatening our collective survival? "Build Bridges, Not Walls" is an inspiring, impassioned call to envision—and work toward—a bold new reality.
Click on the image to RSVP.

Migration, Climate Justice, and the Defense of Mother Earth
A discussion with Betty Ruth Lozano, Manuel Rozental, and Amali Tower will explore the challenges and implications of current global trends regarding climate change, climate justice, and environmental racism, and their impact on processes of forced migration and forced displacement at the U.S-Mexico border and beyond. Case studies will include Colombia's indigenous movements and communities of African descent.
Click on image to RSVP.

Book Discussion with Aviva Chomsky
Author Aviva Chomsky will join us to discuss her recently released book, "CENTRAL AMERICA'S FORGOTTEN HISTORY."
Click on image to RSVP.

“Floaters”: A Poetry Reading & Discussion with Martín Espada
Poetry Reading & DIscussion with Martín Espada

Walk for the Children / Caminata por la Niñez
Join us for a Walk for the Children/Caminata por la Niñez in El Paso TX to call attention to immigrant children confined in US custody who have exercised their right to migrate and seek asylum. We will walk from the Paso del Norte Bridge to Fort Bliss, the largest military base in the country, which is now serving as one of 9 unlicensed facilities opened by the current administration.
Image: "Chinche al Agua" by Victor Mask Casas

“The Undocumented Americans” Discussion & Witness Radio debut
A Witness at the Border inaugural book club event - we will be discussing "The Undocumented Americans" by Karla Cornejo Villavicencio.

Rally and Light Projection Against Child Detention
Join us at Homestead Detention Center at 7:00 PM on April 10, 2021 at 920 Bougainville Blvd for a rally and light projection to make clear that we must #KeepHomesteadClosed and continue to fight against any temporary influx facility. #NotHereNotAnywhere

Wall of Nations: Mexico, Guatemala and the New Southern Border
Camilo Perez Bustillo will discuss the Wall of Nations with special guests Leticia Calderon Chelius of the Instituto Mora in Mexico, and founder of Migrantólogos; and Grecia Ortíz, a Guatemalan journalist with La Hora Voz del Migrante.

Title 42: The Invisible Border Wall
REGISTER HERE: Title 42: The Invisible Border Wall
A Witness at the Border Town Hall with special guest Guerline M. Jozef, co-founder and executive director of Haitian Bridge Alliance. Our conversation will focus on Title 42, the CDC health order that expels migrants daily, denying their right to migrate. Title 42 is the invisible wall, separating families and expelling them back to danger. #StopExpulsions #EndTitle42

"To Right The Wrong: Border Stories" - Screening & Discussion
Filmmaker Richard Barber made a series of short films between the summer of 2018 and January 2020. It documents a period when the cruelty of US immigration policies became so egregious and glaring that ordinary people decided they had to become involved in resisting them. "To Right The Wrong: Border Stories” weaves these short films into a single 37-minute documentary. It features the birth of Team Brownsville, a group of volunteers helping asylum seekers at the Matamoros-Brownsville border, as well as the witnessing of child detention prisons in Tornillo, Texas and Homestead, Florida led by Brooklynite Joshua Rubin, whose lonely vigil grew into “Witness At The Border.” The film leads up to a convergence of these volunteers and witnesses in Brownsville/Matamoros in January, 2020.
Barber works as a producer-editor at CBS News, where last year he produced an hour-long documentary: “The Faces of Family Separation,” which is still streaming on CBSN http://bit.ly/FacesofFamilySeparation.
The film at 7:30 EST will be followed by a discussion with members of the Witness at the Border team.
REGISTER HERE: To Right the Wrong: Border Stories

The Subversive Act of Seeing - “Witness at Tornillo”: Screening and Q&A
To register for this Zoom Webinar: https://www.mobilize.us/witnessattheborder/event/373939/
This film follows one man from Brooklyn as he sits alone in a West Texas desert in 2018, feeling morally compelled to witness the horrors of family separation and child detention on the southern border. His goal is to shut down an American internment camp and free 2,800 migrant teenagers kept against their will. “Witness at Tornillo” follows 66-year-old Josh Rubin, an activist for immigrant rights. He helped draw national attention to the Tornillo facility, moving on from there to a similar youth detention facility in Homestead, Florida. Rubin defines witnessing -- the "radical act of seeing" -- as a key form of protest. Q & A after the film.
Film trailer: https://vimeo.com/347136517

"A Break for Impact" Screening & Q&A
January 29 is the 2nd anniversary of the onset of MPP (“Remain in Mexico”), one of the Trump Administration’s many brutal and inhumane immigration policies.
Join Witness at the Border for a one-hour screening of this award winning documentary about an “alternative spring break experience.” The film was made by a University of Central Florida team: A Break for Impact. The Q & A is moderated by Joshua Rubin, with the film makers and representatives from Team Brownsville and Angry Tias and Abuelas.

Out of the Darkness: Bring Your Light to the Border
We will gather at Xeriscape Park across from the Gateway International Bridge in Brownsville, TX. #RestoreAsylumNow #witnessattheborder #NeverAgainIsNow

"Witness at Tornillo" film
Join fellow witnesses at the La Plaza Bus Terminal Parking Garage (4th level) for a FREE screening of the documentary film Witness at Tornillo - A Carbon Trace Production.
The film follows one man from Brooklyn as he sits alone in a West Texas desert, feeling morally compelled to witness the horrors of family separation and child detention on the southern border. His goal is to shut down an American internment camp and free 2,800 migrant teenagers kept against their will. Witness at Tornillo follows 66-year-old Josh Rubin, an activist who has become a fixture of the #FamiliesBelongTogether protests. He helped draw national attention to the Tornillo facility, moving on from there to a similar youth detention facility in Homestead, Florida. Rubin defines witnessing -- the "radical act of seeing" -- as a key form of protest. Q & A after the film.