
By Josh Rubin

In about three weeks’ time in September, we learned just how efficient the technocratic administration of our Democratic president can be. While he has dampened the anti-immigrant rhetoric of the last president, this president has sent us searching through history for other examples of rapid and massive deportation of immigrants. We have to go back decades to find such examples.

So we have learned that it takes more than the red meat of the right to properly build a feast of injustice. It takes a well-oiled machine. And it helps such an operation, one that sends thousands upon thousands back where they fled danger and hunger, to cool the rhetoric and concentrate on the operation itself. Injustice, like revenge, is best served cold, it seems.

And the president, our current president, shall always be remembered by some of us as the leader who quietly and so quickly removed desperate humans huddled under a bridge, first to airports and then into the sky, and finally to discharge them to despair.

He shall be remembered as the leader who made the planes run on time.



