
By Rosey Vogan

Monday was MLK Day so we had a variety of service actions we could participate in. I spent my morning putting together feminine hygiene kits.

We all had brought toilet paper, wipes and feminine pads to the conference for that particular project.

We had 80 people at the conference. Others in the group, did water drops in the desert which involved an 8 mile hike; went to Centro de Esperanza shelter in Sonoyta, MX and worked with families; some went out with Humane Borders along the wall to fill water tanks and then assisted people waiting by the border and the last group worked on posters for the afternoon at the WHy BP station.

We caravanned from Ajo to Why and held a protest vigil in front of the station and watched as buses left the station.

Then we caravaned down to the Lukeville port of entry. Where we saw BP processing 45 people many with babies. They had them leave most of their belongings behind. They had to sit on the ground while waiting to be frisked. Mothers forced to change the babies diapers on the cement. Then they were marched to a bus to be taken to the Why BP station for processing. In the meantime many more people were waiting by the wall to be processed. It was going to be a long day for them.



