
By Josh Rubin

And here we are, beaten and bruised by a struggle we either were born into, or somehow got tangled up in, and now long too late to make our way out of. Some rely on hope, or faith. Some, like me, just pointing ourselves in the direction of a flimsy compass needle that trembles and flutters inside, feeling very much like heart palpitations. When there is comfort, it comes from the others that are also snarled and snagged so badly that they know any efforts to get out will only tighten the knots.

And I thank them, you, for the comfort of company in this predicament, the companionable misery that every once in a thousand days yields a glimpse of the most horrendous of truths: that the world is built of injustice, and may just have to be unbuilt for us ever to know a time when we have more than sweet heartbreak to share with one another. And, sisters and brothers, there is some joy in our share, despite everything.

So, as we roll the rock up the mountain, peaking tomorrow, ready to watch as it careens out of our control down the other side, let’s pause at the top and enjoy the view together. I’ve got a few climbs left in me, and so do you.

And many rivers to cross.



