
By Josh Rubin

All of humanity suffers. At times, intensely. And even in those moments we do not, suffering is always available to us, because we have that lamentably human propensity to share the suffering of others.

The border wall, no matter how high they build it, will not stop the suffering. Spools of concertina wire deployed at the margins will not deter the suffering. Suffering climbs. Suffering penetrates. Lines of armored vehicles and armed troops do not stand a chance against it.

If we try not to listen to the stories, if we try to close our eyes to it, it finds its way. For those who decide to look, to witness, it brings tears. For the others, those would block their senses, it penetrates everything. It becomes fear.

Fear that would build the walls higher. Fear that turns to anger. Militarization. Hate that poisons hearts.

Hearts that suffer. Suffering knows no borders.



