ICE Air Weekly Activity – Week of 26 April 2021. (Photo: Plane in El Paso on 29 April with children to be detained at Ft. Bliss - Tom Cartwright)
Second highest number of weekly flights over past 12 months at 119 (ti2 weeks at 126).
Second highest number of weekly shuffle flights since recording 1/1/2020 at 97.
Removal flights remain low at 9, which is becoming the new normal now. The prior 6-week average is now 9. In February it was about 16 and in January closer to 20.
Domestic shuffle flights close to the record level of 104 at 97.
ICE Air Weekly Activity – Week of 19 April 2021: RECORD WEEK.
Highest number of weekly flights over past 12 months at 126 (tied week of 10/25/2020).
Record High number of weekly shuffle flights since recording 1/1/2020 at 104.
Removal flights remain low at 9, which is becoming the new normal now. The prior 6-week average is now 9. In February it was about 16 and in January closer to 20.
**ICE Air Weekly Activity – Week of 5 April 2021. **
Removal flights remain low at 10, which is becoming the new normal now. The prior 6-week average is now 11. The last 6 weeks have been significantly lower than the prior typical week of 18-20 removal flights.
If someone knows who made this image, please let us know. Hauntingly beautiful.
ICE Air Weekly Activity – Week of 15 March 2021. (photo Reuters)
Removal flights at 9 at extremely low level. Lowest since the week of 26 April 2020 at 6.
Dramatic change with no flights to Mexico. First time there have been no flights since May 2020. In January 237 flights, In February 24. We have a question to ICE to see if that was a US or MX decision. All it means is that more are expelled by land across the border.
Domestic shuffle flights still elevated at 64, of which 31, almost half were related to the “lateral” flights from Brownsville to El Paso and San Diego each day (including weekends), some of which originated in San Antonio.
ICE Air Weekly Activity – Week of 8 March 2021.
Monday started the 2 per day flights from Brownsville to El Paso, and several originated in San Antonio accounting for 13 of the 66 shuffle flights.
Although initially the implication seemed to be to shelters in El Paso that the 270 people a day on the 2 flights were going to be released to them, we were always suspicious of that conclusion. It appears that some of the people on those planes are being expelled into MX from El Paso. Especially worrisome is if families are flown there for expulsion because MX won’t receive them in Tamaulipas, but will in Chihuahua.